View Full Version : Arms and rotors dont mix!

7th Dec 2005, 06:14
Just wondering if anyone has seen the email going around of a father exiting an R44 and raising his arms above his head? Im sure you can guess what happens next.

Just curious if anyone knows where it took place.

I have it on file and can email it if anyone wants it for training purposes of what NOT to do when moving around helos


7th Dec 2005, 06:27
Yeah I've seen it. If it's fair dinkum it's not real pretty. Don't really see any benefit in it as a training tool. If thats what has to be resorted to to drive home the point then alas I fear the game is already lost. http://www.alldumb.com/item/17839/

8th Dec 2005, 04:56
that is nasty....ouch...

8th Dec 2005, 05:20
Question. How can the girl and her mum get out of the chopper without getting one hair out of place?

8th Dec 2005, 06:41
It doesn't appear genuine to me....perhaps I'm just being cynical but I wouldn't have thought that blood would move perpndicular to the rotation of the blades and strike the camera lens.

There are a lot of short movies floating around the internet such as this. There was a story about them on the news as a lot of directors make them in the hope that their "talent" gets recognised and they get some more work.

Double Asymmetric
8th Dec 2005, 06:43
It's fake. Do a search on the net and watch the whole clip.

8th Dec 2005, 14:49
Of course it is a fake, the bloke would have to have arms two metres long to chop his hands off on a R44, funny as though and you have to give the thumbs up to the guys that made it.:)

CIA Stooge
8th Dec 2005, 19:36
I hadn't looked at this until someone emailed it to me last night. When I opened it I was shocked and thought 'what the'? But yes it's very cleverly done - someone put a lot of work into it.