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View Full Version : Intermediate missed approach

28th Nov 2005, 16:41
I've tried searching for the answer to no avail, so can anyone confirm the following, please?

The obstacle clearance in the intermediate missed approach is 30 metres increasing to 50 metres in the final phase.


28th Nov 2005, 20:50
The intermediate missed approach begins when you are estabilished in the climb and finishes when you reach 50m of obstacle clearance.
Thus I would say that there is no minimum obstacle clearance in the intermediate phase of the missed approach. You could be flying a CAT3 approach and go around and climb when still at less than 30m.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

28th Nov 2005, 22:06
You are correct for a straight missed approach - the final segment starts when 50m MOC can be achieved. The answer is in PANS-OPS II (ICAO Doc 8168) - extracts are also published in Jepps.

ILS straight missed approach is a bit different - the precision segment continues until 300m above THR for Cat I (150m for Cat II & III), and MOCs as such do not really apply. After that it is 30m increasing to 50m.

29th Nov 2005, 08:04
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

29th Nov 2005, 09:51
Thus I would say that there is no minimum obstacle clearance in the intermediate phase of the missed approach

There is a minimum obstacle clearance of 30m in the intermediate phase of a missed approach procedure.

30th Nov 2005, 12:06

I thought so.


30th Nov 2005, 18:35
As I mentioned previously - this is true as a blanket statement for non-precision approaches, but ILS procedures are a bit different until the precision segment ends...

30th Nov 2005, 20:39

I believe 30m is the answer that JAR are looking for in the ATPL exam although I appreciate that taking it to a more advanced and technical level -as per the real world- would give a different answer.

Thanks for your input.