View Full Version : Ethernet cards

20th Nov 2005, 20:41
What is the point in buying an ethernet card?
I am referring to my previous thread about connecting 2 PC's to the same internet connection and apparently I need to get a cross over cable and an ethernet card but I fail to see why because my computer already appears to have a slot which look identical to the slot on an ethernet card so why should I go and buy one when it looks quite complicated and fiddly to install from what I have seen with unscrewing the whole desktop etc.

20th Nov 2005, 21:54
Wow! the longest sentence ever!

Some PC's come with an integral NIC on the motherboard - the socket you see probably relates to this. In that case, you don't need a seperate NIC PCI card.

21st Nov 2005, 06:13
Just checked and both of my PCs have network slots on them all I need is a crossover.


21st Nov 2005, 07:46
Just a reminder: not wishing to insult anyone's intelligence, but make sure you're looking at an ethernet connection, and not the modem! These plugs do look alike, the ethernet one is slightly wider though. I've seen many people confuse the two :p