View Full Version : Does this service exist? - Grab a web page and email it

10th Nov 2005, 09:13
Well, thats about the size of it really!

Em, what I want to do , is have a particular web page emailed to me every day. Its a news page that changes daily.
I know I could just click on it, but ever since gmail arrived, it makes it much easier to get it sent to me.

Also, would be handy for a few other things.

The idea is that a web server automatically visits a site once every 24 hours, grabs what it sees, and emails it, in html, to a particular address.

Not rocket science, and Im sure with some php ing or similar it could be done, but is there a web site that already offers this ?

10th Nov 2005, 15:20
You can use 'alt-print screen'. That will copy all into the clipboard. However that captures the whole screen, toolbars and all, that you can paste into word or powerpoint.

The other way to do it is to highlight the text/images you want and copy them into the clipboard for onward pasting.

Play around - you really can't do much damage by experimenting...

10th Nov 2005, 18:29
Yup, but the keyword here is automatically

I want a server to do this for me ... :ok:

10th Nov 2005, 20:58

Alternatively if it's only 1 or 2 pages include the web page(s) on your desktop. You can make it available when off line if you want.

Bo Nalls
11th Nov 2005, 06:00
Not used by myself but this may be worth a try (http://www.right-soft.com/webmon/)

11th Nov 2005, 10:27
If the site supports it, you may want to look at the possibilities of RSS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_(protocol)).

For a quick overview of how to use it: click here (http://ezinearticles.com/?RSS-For-Dummies&id=83300)