View Full Version : General Navigation

27th Oct 2005, 09:41
Congratulations to all that passed!, I have 1 more left to pass Gen Nav 72% this time.

any tips or info fo how to pass my next sitting much appreciated!

I am using Bristol online QB, Oxford Feedback, and going to Oxford Brush Up again.

the last time I was getting in the 80's on the online QB.


27th Oct 2005, 15:01

I just passed Gnav but I can tell you that it wasnt easy for me!! I have failed this subject four times previously - 74% club!!

If you can do all the PNR, PSR calculations earth convergency and scale not to mention time then you are about there!

CRP5 - practice using it you always get to use it in Nav!! Sometimes more than others.. Generally the questions are ok when using the CRP5 to get answers but they can sometimes be tight :*: - Try to be as accurate as you can!

Know the differences between charts and what their characteristics are! these come up along with the 737 FMC questions. Most are 1 mark but there are some 737 questions that have 2 Marks!! Whatch out! ;)

I found that i could eventually do the calcs but its the 1 mark questions that could turn your 72 into a pass!!

Very best of luck with it!!

3legs :ok: