View Full Version : Learning routine in the USA?

22nd Oct 2005, 17:42
I'm off to San Diego next month and I was just wondering what the daily routine would/should be when doing a JAA PPL?

How many lessons a day should I be doing?

How much studying?

Anyone with experience please let me know and any "hindsight" tips would be great!



22nd Oct 2005, 20:58
Hi there,

I did my PPL at Naples Air Centre in Florida about 3 years ago. The difference between the States and here is that you can do 2 or 3 flights a day, because the weather is so much better. But I guess you know that already !

Personally I found 2 flights a day was plenty, and it was quite nice to have some days where I was only doing one. There's a lot to take in and it can get mentally and physically tiring. After the first couple of days the school's owner said 'Yeah, you probably feel like you've been hit round the head with a wet fish right now'. She was right ! But things settle down pretty quickly and you get in to it.

My advice would be, enjoy it and try to take it at a reasonable pace if you can (especially if you are having to do the studying as well).

Depending on when you are going out in November, I would strongly suggest seeing if you can get a couple of the exams out of the way before you go. It will ease things a bit whilst you're out there.

Good luck with it all !


23rd Oct 2005, 01:24
Try to do as many exams as you can before you go.
Regardless, fly twice a day and groundschool in between.
Have fun