View Full Version : Avation= only interest

1st Oct 2005, 00:53

Just wondering is most of you thier only interest (or the main one) is Avation??

BTW, something Fuuny happened with your Parents,Family,Friends about Avation??

Exp:Son, stop wasting your time looking to Aluminium flying tubes.. do your home work! :}


1st Oct 2005, 01:02
Is Klingon your first or second language?:confused:

1st Oct 2005, 01:47
some spelling mistakes "fuuny"

Otherwise excellent work...two gold stars!

1st Oct 2005, 03:15
Cheers Multi:ok:

Buster Hyman
1st Oct 2005, 06:54
You still haven't answered my question. When is your school project due?

1st Oct 2005, 08:18
Come on guys!! Are we really too big and important to lend a little encouragement to what is obviously a young enthusiast?

MD12 (By the way, nice handle! Are you familiar with the proposed aircraft that would have had that designation?), I don't think many established professtional pilots have aviation as their sole interest.

Certainly flying has been a life-long passion for me, and I have always kept an interest in some form of sport aviation whilst I've flown for a living (At the moment I fly gliders). But, with two young children, there obviously are many other things I do with my time, as well as other personal interests and hobbies.

The nice thing about flying for a living is, if you are an enthusiast, that you get to be involved with aircraft whilst having time outside of work to pursue other interests. The downside is working hours are generally very disruptive, making comitting to any group activity very difficult.

Editted to say- Geez!! What did this kid do to gat banned? His posts may have been naive, but where they offensive?

Yon Garde
1st Oct 2005, 10:04
Here, here.

Give the kid a break. Not all of us were born with 10,000 hrs and an "over it" attitude.

2nd Oct 2005, 11:47
Yeah! Why'd he get banned? With all the half-wits involved in aviation there is always room for one more:}

Fiesty Ferret
6th Oct 2005, 23:48
Yes something funny happened to my freind in Aviation. he thoought he would invest tens of thousands of dollars and a CPL and earn a reasonable living.


Funny! Get it!!

Oh, I crack myself up.


Ski Guru
7th Oct 2005, 00:36
If you don't love it you won't last.

Can't remember the last time I was at an investment bankers house and they had pictures of the ASX on the wall. Flying machines are different.

Just sure you have something else other than flying. Something that makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck just thinking about it. Otherwise you'll be the only guy at the party who only knows one thing to talk about.

Now take that passion and never, ever, tarnish it with the word job.

Let it be your mistress, just for fun.

Powder to the People

7th Oct 2005, 06:16
Investment bankers buy boats