View Full Version : CPL/IR or ATPL GS

24th Sep 2005, 22:38
If someone had no intention of going for airlines but was looking for a 'career' as a FI, would there be any point in them doing ATPL theory or would it be more reasonable to do the separate CPL and IR groundschool and examinations?

Secondly, can a person studying ATPL groundschool opt to take the CPL and IR examinations in preference to the ATPLs and would they have to complete all of the ATPL gs before taking the CPL exams alone?

Best Regards,


25th Sep 2005, 10:44
Also a Q of time and cost. If you the 13/14 ATPL exams at the start then can't do/ afford/ want to complete the IR within the cut off time (3) then doing all the exams up front was a waste of money because you do them again.

So, time spent on recon seldom wasted, work out the finances & returns first.


26th Sep 2005, 19:45
Also worth pointing out that some subjects are repeated, so if you do the CPL exams and the IR exams, you will do some exams twice...


Send Clowns
27th Sep 2005, 22:07
The CPL and IR exams are literally the ATPL examsThis is incorrect. There is a fair amount of material in the ATPL that is not covered in either the CPL or the IR, hence if you have CPL and IR passes and want an ATPL then you must do the ATPL exams.

The choice is to learn a little more and do the ATPLs or learn less but do more exams so pay more fees and usually take longer by doing the CPL and IR. Note the HP&L syllabus is identical, and all courses take the same exam, butyou will have to pass twice, because someone in authority can't do their job properly and the rules have been royally screwed up. I would do the ATPLs, as do most in your position.