View Full Version : Latest on YBAF Closure?

Uncommon Sense
22nd Sep 2005, 00:40
Apparently the Brisbane press carried something recently on the partial closing down of YBAF airport - and subsequent removal of hangarage to make way for light industry.

Did anyone see it?

22nd Sep 2005, 06:13
This stuff has been going on for the last 5 years or so. I think what they intend to do is join the 2 sections of Boundary Road together. This would obviously cut straight across runways 04/22. Any building North of RQAC would also be under threat.

About 5 years ago I saw a television piece about removing the 04/22 runways to make way for more industry. This was followed by a sound bite from Humphry Maltman stating that said runways would be closed "over his dead body".

The newspaper article last week was pretty much the same. 04/22 to go. It didn't take long for HM to shoot a letter to the editor,which appeared the following day. At least he sticks up for what he believes to be a worthwhile fight.

I can understand the owners position. Leasing that land to industry would give a much better return than it's current use. Land in SEQ is at a premium. It won't be long before Brisbane stretches way past Ipswich and almost to Gatton. When that happens YBAF will be history.

Personally, I think it'll be a sad day for GA

22nd Sep 2005, 08:20
Sounds like their trying to do the same thing that YSBK management did many years ago.