View Full Version : Borland builder 5

18th Aug 2005, 21:58
Has anyone spotted the above software in any magazine CD recently? Hoping it might be available for free or low cost since they're on version 6 at the moment (and amazon says it has been discon).


19th Aug 2005, 04:24
33 MB download if you have highspeed internet access. http://www.download.com/3D-Developer-Studio-for-Borland-C++-Builder/3000-2070_4-10213580.html

19th Aug 2005, 14:04
Thanks flynverted, I do have high(ish) speed broadband but the link you gave me takes me to a download of a 3D gaming software which is (I think) not the same as the simpler Borland builder software I was after. I don't think it is listed in download.com which makes me suspect it's not available.

But it's not even available on eBay or Amazon.co.uk which is strange.

I might send an email to Borland..you never know.

Cheers anyway,


Stoney X
19th Aug 2005, 15:19
Does this help? Borland downloads. (http://www.borland.com/downloads/download_cbuilder.html) They are offering a free command line compiler for version 5.5 You don't get the GUI interface/development environment but the compiler itself works a treat.


22nd Aug 2005, 11:06
Thanks Stoney X - yep I saw that - might go for it to have a look though I'd prefer to have the real thing so that I'm familiar with the layout and the basic stuff before the course starts.


23rd Aug 2005, 04:49
There is a Borland C++ Builder 6 "Personal Edition" which sells for US$69.00 .

I suspect that it isn't a full-blown version and surely forbids distribution of its output.

Might be a nice thing to play with before taking a course.

Disclaimer: I do not have this software. I have a much earlier same-price version which came with a "Teach Yourself ...." book. I've been too lazy to get very far.


24th Aug 2005, 10:07
Thanks seacue, wish I had $69 - kind of broke at the moment :{ - having spend £300 on the course I don't really want to fork out more dosh for this. I might download the ide from bloodshed.net - that way I can have a play around with the code. I suspect however that I may end up in the same predicament as yours: "I've been too lazy to get very far."