View Full Version : Looking for a book

27th Jul 2005, 11:23
Hi, saw someone with a nice wee book of flying formulae a while back. Forgotten the name of it. It's small in size and got all the 1 in 60 rules etc.

Do any of you know of it and what it'd called?

Already searched all the pilot supply catalogues.



Mercenary Pilot
27th Jul 2005, 16:34
Was it "Keynotes for Pilots-Maths and Physics" Written br Dr. SE Smith and Mike Groves?

Thats A5 spiral bound and has got all 1 in 60 rules and that sort of stuff, all the big pilot shops sell it.

27th Jul 2005, 21:54
Another is called Flying without Formula - not sure of author but seen it around!

28th Jul 2005, 02:51
Are you sure it's not a little yellow book called "Pilot's Rules of Thumb"?

You can order it from www.flight-time.com

Farrell :ok:

28th Jul 2005, 09:45
Thanks a lot guys. Think it was Pilot's rule of thumb :ok: