View Full Version : Reg (Mice) Meissner

13th Jul 2005, 04:43
Pardon my intrusion but all members of the RAAFia should be aware that Reg pulls the pin as AIP Australia editor on Friday July 15 after 15 years in the job.
The well-known knucklehead and longtime Mirage FCI is planning to fish all those places in Australia he hasn't yet so be prepared for that smiling face in your neck of the woods soon. I suggest heavy drinking in preparation is the order of the day.
I am also interested in hearing any of the more outrageous post dining-in nights stories about Reg.
If anyone can top the famous drive home from a base, that shall remain nameless but its initials are YWLM, after a dining-in that supposedly resulted in the family sedan being parked, undamaged, parallel to the back wall of the garage under the house and at 90 degrees to the entrance I'd love to hear it. PMs pls.