View Full Version : Maternity in France

11th Jul 2005, 17:11
I am considering moving from the UK to France to work for a very large aircraft manufacturer. It would be an office job, I'm not a pilot. Currently I have no plans to start a family (I'm a married female with relatives dropping heavy hints!), but that might change in a few years time.

If I do decide to go to France, then I would be interested to know what maternity benfits are on offer in terms of how much paid/unpaid leave, and opportunities for part time or flexible working on return to the office. I would hate to make the move and then have a nasty shock. And it's not really the sort of question I like to ask in an interview!


11th Jul 2005, 17:20
paid leave ( congé maternité) : The standard rule is 16 weeks (6 before and 10 after) for the first kid.

more here (http://www.legissimo.com/fpcongemater.htm) - I assume you have some basic knowledge of French, otherwise you'd better get some before you move ;)

unpaid leave (congé parental d'éducation) is maximum 3 years here (http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/secsoc/mater/daf0605.htm)

Generally speaking lots of support for working mothers (creche and nanny expenses are tax-deductible)

It's not unusual that mothers work part time 4 days a week, Wednesday off.

11th Jul 2005, 17:27
Thank you that's very helpful.

I speak some French and could follow the link. But if I go the French will have to improve a lot!
