View Full Version : Aftermath Games

10th Jun 2005, 16:51
Is it me or are the traditional aftermath games slowly being forgotten, or just not played due to health and safety? All I ever see these days is tug-o-war and the occasional game of mess rugby (if you can afford to have someone of work for week or two to nurse injuries, pride, etc.)

Apart from the obvious (involving 2 or more consenting adults), what are the best aftermath games?

Answers on a postcard, please.

10th Jun 2005, 18:23
As a purely spectator sport i can recommend naked bicycle, jousting!! Cue two of your more inebriated colleagues, two bicycles, two brooms and plenty of vocal encouragement!!!!
Stand back, watch the carnage unfold!!!!;)
PS Watch out for the odd torn s:mad: ck!

10th Jun 2005, 18:27

Are saddles optional for Naval participants? Ouch!

10th Jun 2005, 18:32
Not exactly a 'game', but I'm sure the H&S lobby would have something to say about the following after dinner activity......!

The very senior (Retd) guest of honour at Odiham the other night was sat at a burning piano in the car park valiantly trying to play it. It was a fine show by Sir Peter after a very entertaining speech. Well done all those concerned with inviting him, despite the considerable (if the rumours are correct) pressure from various very senior (serving) chaps to not invite him.

You'll go to hell for that one.......

10th Jun 2005, 19:04
Are you there, Moriarty? Then set the newspapers alight....

Tunnel of love through the ante room furniture?

Spin round the broomstick, then race across the ante room?

the 2-man lift with a guest....

10th Jun 2005, 19:52
Excellent. I remember badly bruising my hand at Strawbury once trying to bash the bottom out of a wine bottle filled with water.

Some of my better areas are picking up a cereal packet (of diminishing size) using only my teeth and walking beer bottles out as far as you can with out touching the ground with your body.

10th Jun 2005, 20:05
W@nking on a biscuit. Last one to spaff, eats the biscuit.

Good for team building, hand to eye co-ordination, focusing the mind...

...and nutritious too. :}

An Teallach
10th Jun 2005, 22:04
Yellow card, SPHLC! :yuk:

Top tip: Never play mess rugby in a kilt ... Some :mad: Rockape will find a way to make you let go of the ball!! :ooh:

11th Jun 2005, 05:38
Carrier Deck Landings, but take jackets off first or the buttons plough a furrow in the table-top! :cool:

11th Jun 2005, 08:15
'Carrier Deck Landings, but take jackets off first or the buttons plough a furrow in the table-top!'

The art of a good carrier deck landing, in addition to your attire, is to get a good approach speed and shallow rate of descent. After one particularly lively Ops Wg lunch, a rather well-built Albert pilot joined the game. However, after several good landings his technique faltered and the approach was more vertical than that required. With no way of reducing his sink rate the 'superstructure' gave way and the carrier sank. End of games so off to the bar for refreshments.

11th Jun 2005, 09:23
I remember undertaking a particularly nasty carrier deck landing at Buchan. Unfortunately the deck wasn't entirely clear of FOD, some of which caused some potentially nasty damage to my undercarriage... :{

I always thought boxing was a good aftermath game. Then I realised that seeing an ACdre and a Sqn Ldr in a punch-up doesn't really constitute a game. Just the end of a career.

But I hear the ACdre is now an AVM...

11th Jun 2005, 09:43
Nothing wrong with tug o' war if (as happened at the last dining-in night at Halton) the ladies decide to have a go!

Although reasonably bin-faced at the time, I do remember a rather delicious-looking OC AC* hitching up her togs and sitting with her delightfully lace-top-stocking sheathed legs either side of the person in front of her.

More was to come with a sterling display of grunting and writhing as the match got under way with heels being dug into the ground for more purchase and.......

Oh ****! Another biscuit anyone? :D

11th Jun 2005, 11:13
trying to stop the ceiling fans in cyprus mess with your head was always a good evening sport :ouch:

11th Jun 2005, 11:14
"Although reasonably bin-faced at the time, I do remember a rather delicious-looking OC AC* hitching up her togs and sitting with her delightfully lace-top-stocking sheathed legs either side of the person in front of her."

Ah, yes! I recall when it was MANDATORY to have a men's tug of war competition. The ladies ALWAYS insisted on having a go........ ;)

"trying to stop the ceiling fans in cyprus mess with your head was always a good evening sport"

Will always fondly remember the Harrier Bona mates doing this one evening in Belize in the early 1980's. OC Harrier told them to stop being silly as he became really concerned that someone was going to decapite themselves. The ceiling fan by this time was in severe need of a track and balance and was in severe danger of coming adrift into the crowd. They tried to stop the errant rotor disc by jabbing it with various items such as each other and bar stools etc. They were only successful when they used a SOFA, wherupon it jumped off its mounts and clattered into the far corner. We SH boys were quite used to such events and only took a mild interesting the antics of the kiddies, whilst concentrating on more serious matters, such as drinking the mess out of rum.

11th Jun 2005, 14:21
Steady, back 5!
Just how old are you? The thought of watching grown men stand around and prove that they can't last very long isn't my idea of fun. Must be a Navy thing.

11th Jun 2005, 14:33
Nobody's mentioned a mess cannon!

11th Jun 2005, 14:57
Hosing down the bar with the firehose was traditional at a unit I served at. It went a bit pear-shaped one night when someone retaliated by throwing a chair, which missed and hit someone else. A trip to hospital and the involvement of RAFP led to some nervous people the following Monday.

11th Jun 2005, 15:39

Photographic evidence proving that biscuit decoration is a long standing tradition.

You are not supposed to stand and watch! You are expected to take part.


I think the chap at 7 o'clock is about to win!

I have personally brought 'Freckles' into the 21st century.
Substitute the turd for a sachet of ketchup.

11th Jun 2005, 16:52

I fear I might not be properly equipped to take part.

11th Jun 2005, 18:38

It looks to me more like he has just realised he is about to lose............ :hmm: :eek: :( :yuk:

13th Jun 2005, 22:07
Surfing down the stairs on an ironing board.

13th Jun 2005, 22:33
Trying to squeeze through the "hoop" of a bar stool - definitely can't do that now.