View Full Version : Liverpool why the altitude call on departure

27th May 2005, 21:20
Hi all my local airfield is Liverpool EGGP, noticed for some time now that aircraft on departure are asked by the tower controller about 20-30 seconds after take off to confirm passing altitude, anybody know the reason for this.


almost professional
27th May 2005, 21:56
my guess is that the tower ATCO is validating and verifying the transponder code on the departure before transfering to area control(its what we do too) ,using the ATM in the tower-it saves the approach controller from having to do it

27th May 2005, 22:05
sounds about right because whenever we depart and we then are asked to confirm our altitude we then get transferred to MAN. sounds to me like an altitude verification scheme of some kind.

28th May 2005, 08:42
Thank you guys all explained now.

Regards Nick.