View Full Version : Apache Helicopters Exmoor West today

19th May 2005, 11:27
Apaches flying up and down over the house at a 150 feet or so today, West side of Exmoor. Great sight and nice to see them flying, lads.

My kids love it.


19th May 2005, 11:34
Exercise Eagle Strike......

There off to St Mawgan for an exercise.

19th May 2005, 13:03
The main assault on Dartmoor took place last night, with me in the middle of the Blue and OPFOR.
Large aerial battle took place in my area between Apaches and Lynx/Gazelles (Simulating Hinds and Hips)....

Been going on since Monday.....moving east towards SPTA eventually.

20th May 2005, 18:25
The Apaches are racking up some time in the air. 2 of them have been doing low level circuits round South Petherton (just off A303 in Somerset) - presumably dropping into Merryfield - for the last half hour (and yes it is 1920 on a Friday).

Nice to see/hear some about at long last. :ok:


Indeed have just walked back from the pub, where the main topic of conversation among the 60 odd people is AH hiding in trees or hovering over the A303. And yes, 2300 and the AH are still out there!

Lee Jung
20th May 2005, 23:48

Not wrong, been right over my house 1/2 nm W of S.P. all afternoon following exactly the same route, and evening and night. Nice to know the AAC still can only navigate using a MSR!

Lee jung

21st May 2005, 13:24
They assaulted Merryfield in the morning of Friday with Apaches and Lynx on 'sentry' around the airfield looking over the A303 and A358 all day/night.

They routed back and forth over the house in Mid Devon through the period.

23rd May 2005, 09:09
There must be some truth in the rumour thast the AAC Lynx are conducting Local area famils around Yeovil and Merryfield in preparation for the move to VL.