View Full Version : Phoenix East Aviation Daytona Beach

18th May 2005, 17:42
Good Day Community

As my name says "Insideview" will provide PPRUNE Members with Detailed information about Flight Schools and the methods this Schools use to provide Customer service .

Well Lets start with my First object ...

Phoenix East Aviation in Daytona Beach
Time of Observation ( 01/05 till 04/05 )

First of all a big school , lot of foreign Students .
Aircraft Fleet acceptable and new .
Instructors try the best to work with you as an individual and they know what they do .

Fact is as long as you pay the $ everybody is happy ...... dont come into the situation where u need help from the Flight Training Department.
Talking about this Department ,consisting of two people ,people which never ever had learned how to treat People not to mention how to manage people (thats another Story !!).
I experienced myself how unqualified these two Individuals are .

Instead of solving a problem they try to find the reason in telling students its their own fault why they are now in this situation.
I felt patronized,insulted and disgusted by the way i was treated.
And i thought im the CUSTOMER .....well guess thats the price you have to pay if you choose a bigger school which can "ALLOW themselves" to maybe loose 'one or two Students !!!

I wanna warn everybody here of this Institution !!

18th May 2005, 18:01

i have to say i agree with you. as a former student i am very disappointed how the flight training department treated people, instructors as well as students and that things have still not changed. Should they take a slight disliking to you they will find away to excuse the language screw you over. Talking about ruling with an iron fist! i think it was only a matter of time before someone put on a negative posting about this school.

Shame though because it is a pretty decent school just going to be run into the ground by the flight training department. Rule of thumb in flight training at Phoenix east 1 rule for one person and different rules for other people. Where is the equality i ask???

It is sad whatever good experiences i had there were totally diminished by these 2 people and bring down what could be an excellant school.

Good Luck when it comes to choosing a flight school, i wouldn't recommend this one either!! They in flight training are more concerned about earning money than giving good quality service to the people that are paying money to be there!

20th May 2005, 06:19
ask Doug W.about his DWI. Interesting for a chief flight instructor....

21st May 2005, 04:26
nice ....!!! come on guys ,anybody else any experience with that school !
Help new guys here to get an close up view .......