View Full Version : modular finance

What to do?
4th May 2005, 16:32

Has anyone got advice on obtaining finance (loan) for the modular route? I’ve got 10,000 of my own cash but I obviously need to fill a large hole with some £££! Given my present hours (97) I reckon on another 40-45k to finish things off, meaning I need ~35k from a bank.

I’ve got an appointment with HSBC and the olds are willing to guarantee the loan (bless ‘em) which I hope will help?


4th May 2005, 17:05
I would say 30Kish to finish off if you already have that amount of hours and your PPL?

No doubt this will cause a debate but I cannot see a 45K requirement?

Also, if you have these already and 10K extra to put towards, with a good business plan I cannot see why the bank would not lend you the funds?

Good luck


What to do?
4th May 2005, 17:59

30K, what all in (living etc)? I was thinking of doing it at Oxford, which obv increases the cost.


4th May 2005, 18:09
HSBC support/provide/can help with Career Development Loans. Do a search on them (google is as good as anything). I can't remember the maximum they'll loan you but all interest is paid by the government until you've finished your training.

5th May 2005, 13:57
i think the career developemtns loan is a max. of 8,000. Ive looked that the pro studies loan from them. Unless you need a significant payment holiday, id suggest looking at an orinary bank loan,