View Full Version : Flight Test

15th Mar 2005, 14:25

Has anyone done there PPL flight test in Dublin within the last year?
It appears to be quite stringent and difficult from what I can make out.
If you have finished the flight test recently, do please tell me how you got on?
What is the format and what where you picked up on with regards to the oral and flying.

For example, first I’m told the max you can divert (mistakenly) from your chosen altitude is 100 ft, then its 200ft, then 150ft? If I go off my calculated heading by 10 degrees for a time do I fail? I’m trying to decipher what is expected of PPL flight test performance.

Some say it’s easy, other say its incredibly difficult. I could study tech met etc for ever, but where does the buck stop?

Cheers for any help.

15th Mar 2005, 18:34
I didnt do my PPL in Ireland but I did do a JAA PPL so I will give you a few pointers that may help and will impress your examiner. First of all, I suggest you sit down with a piece of paper and write out all the things your going to do for the test from begining to end eg) Radio calls, checks for stalls, turns, spins, forced landings etc equipment etc... this may sound ridiculous but it will help you to remember in the test and will stop you from going blank. Second of all, make sure when you pitch up for your test you look smart (maybe a uniform). Presentation is essential. This I laughed at at first but it does definately present a professional appearence and its psychological aswell (you feel professional so you act professional). Generally, the examiner will use their own discretion. As long as your safe, HASELL and HELL (you know what that is?) checks are performed and continous watch for other traffic is kept, if you drop an extra 50ft they give you the benefit of the doubt and will let you try a second time. As long as you dont keep screwing up the stalls and the turns they're generally happy. WATCH YOUR SPEED!!!!!!! For example when recovering from a spiral dive dont apply full power untill the speed is in the white arc. Obviously, if you miss the field with a forced landing they will fail you immediately. As for the technical questions they may ask you in the test I suggest you get hold of POH book for the a/c your doing your test in and learn it back to front. Even if it means sitting in the a/c and going through all the different instruments. Maybe even get one of your instructors to talk you through all the different parts of the aeroplane. This is perfect to do on a rainy day when the a/c is sitting on the ground. Also learn how the engine works (Im sure you know this from technical exam) and its different components (oil and fuel). As for the x country - keep your height (100ft) and heading (+- 10) and keep a continuous radio watch. Follow your track on the map and stick to your ETA's as much as possible. Make sure your planning is perfect (track T is correct and when corrected for wind Track M is as correct as possible). Be decisive at all times!!!!

Good luck :ok: :ok: