View Full Version : Oz Farnsworth Lantern Test

7th Mar 2005, 21:01
Has anyone taken the Farnsworth Lantern Test? What was the experience like? Did the Doc give you a fair shot? Helpful? How much did you pay them to pass?
Has anyone had any experience with the Farnsworth Doc in Sydney?

7th Mar 2005, 22:33
Did one about 35 years ago for acceptance into military flight training. From memory, it was all over in a couple of minutes. I remember looking at the patient view on the lhs of this;

9th Mar 2005, 05:47
Did mine in Melbourne at the College of Optometry. The optho was very helpful, did not just do falant but also other tests for accurate diagnoses of problems. Good luck.

19th Mar 2005, 20:16
A bit off topic but does anyone know if Air Services permit a practical test if you fail the book test and the lantern. This being for ATC not pilot