View Full Version : Light off landing

17th Jan 2005, 10:27
Would be grateful for an explanation to the below. The query came from a friend who regularly flies to and from the East with a number of airlines. He asked me as a PPL(H) for an answer. There's a laugh for you!

Question: why on landing in UK are cabin lights turned off and window blinds down?

Many thanks.

Notso Fantastic
17th Jan 2005, 10:44
Have you tried doing a Search for 'Cabin Lights'? The answer is there.

Genghis the Engineer
17th Jan 2005, 11:01
(1) Minimum power drain in case of an emergency

(2) Maintain pax and crew night vision in case of an emergency evacuation.


17th Jan 2005, 21:46
So that the cabin crew can clearly see outside in the event of an emergency which could happen for the dangerous bit - the take off and landing.

The cabin crew will look outside in the event of an emergency before assisting a passenger evacuation. Any sight of flames etc will help them, along with the PA from the captain, assess the best exit route.

17th Jan 2005, 23:30
Lights are off for Landing and take off because it is dark outside. If you have ever been in a lit room then turned the light off you cant see a thing, but after a while your eyes adjust to the dark. If there is an emergency and you need to get outside, your eyes will be adjusted because you will have been in a dark place already.

Your window blinds should be 'UP' so EVERYONE can see outside conditions in case of emergency, and the emegency services can see in if need be.

This should be the case wherever you fly, day or night, an not just in the uk.

Hope that helps :ok:

Bora Bora
18th Jan 2005, 12:31
Mind you, at easyJet the cabin crew will tell you that "...we are now dimming the cabin lights in preparation for take-off..." even on a daytime flight in bright and clear conditions.

Makes me seriously wonder if they actually know why they are dimming the lights.