View Full Version : Enuf is Enuf

25th Dec 2004, 06:00
Righto Folks,

It's Christmas time so how 'bout we get it off our chests...
Eagle, Air Nelson. Origin.

Have your say or forever hold your peace.

Get rid of all your vents, ravs, negatives & positives & let everyone get on with what they have come into this industry for...
To enjoy their jobs, enjoy their flying and to accomplish all & any of their dreams of becoming an airline pilot.

A turbo-prop is a turbo-prop no matter how you look at it & as far as I know, at least 85% of you want to get onto the jets so who really cares how or where you get the prop time from as long as you get it.

Lets stop all the b**tching & cat-fighting & end it now.

P.S. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

BCF Breath
25th Dec 2004, 09:11
Jees Dude!
Where did that come from??

Anyway to the 85% of you that want to fly Jets, apparently Air NZ is looking to interview more than 160 next year.

Happy New Year!

Still Lookin'......
29th Dec 2004, 01:51
May I just say, to those 85% who want to fly "jets", please do so. Contrary to popular belief not everone wants to work for "mainline" so could you please realise your amititions and leave the turboprop regionals to us who desire them.
(Tounge firmly in cheek with a twist of honesty...):ok:

Have a great new year all!!!............