View Full Version : ISP "crashes"

Krystal n chips
15th Dec 2004, 16:13
A query please. I frequently read on this site about BT etc. having major crashes--yet this knowledge seldom, if ever, makes the public domain. Other than dedicated IT professionals, whom I assume have their own sources, is it possible at all for other users to find out if an ISP is having / has had problems by logging on to a specific site?. Reason I am asking, is that Yahoo--as ever :mad: seem to have been having problems with their Groups recently---they seem fine during certain off peak hours---and for a couple of days--but thereafter profiles not found / unable to post etc. Hence I know there is a problem with the ISP, I can discount any problems with my PC and let them eventually sort it out.

Many thanks.

K n C

15th Dec 2004, 16:52
Most ISP's have a link on somewhere on thier site, ususally under support, that gives the "current network" or "current system status"

If you are on BT Yahoo Broadband - i'm guessing from what you said. Then : http://help.btinternet.com/yahoo/help/servicestatus/0,,Broadband_0_5_BTY_Home,00.html

SHould take you straight to the service status page - assuming of course that the problem they have lets you connect!
