View Full Version : Structures Repair Question

12th Dec 2004, 08:52
Exhibit A

http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=674714&WxsIERv=Qm9laW5nIDc0Ny0yMzBCKFNGKQ%3D%3D&WdsYXMg=THVmdGhhbnNhIENhcmdv&QtODMg=RnJhbmtmdXJ0IC0gTWFpbiAoUmhlaW4tTWFpbiBBQikgKEZSQSAvI EZSRiAvIEVEREYp&ERDLTkt=R2VybWFueQ%3D%3D&ktODMp=U2VwdGVtYmVyIDIxLCAyMDA0&BP=0&WNEb25u=Q2Fyc3RlbiBKZW50Z2Vz&xsIERvdWdsY=RC1BQlla&MgTUQtODMgKE=&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MTM5&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwNC0wOS0yNw%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=MjMyODYvNjE0&static=yes&sok=V0hFUkUgIChNQVRDSCAoYWlyY3JhZnQsYWlybGluZSxwbGFjZSxwaG90 b19kYXRlLGNvdW50cnkscmVtYXJrLHBob3RvZ3JhcGhlcixlbWFpbCx5ZWFy LHJlZyxhaXJjcmFmdF9nZW5lcmljLGNuLGNvZGUpIEFHQUlOU1QgKCcrIkQt QUJZWiInIElOIEJPT0xFQU4gTU9ERSkpICBPUkRFUiBCWSBwaG90b19pZCBE RVND&photo_nr=2&size=M

B747 D-ABYZ flying at Frankfurt in September. Nothing remarkable there.

Exhibit B


A picture of the same a/c which I remember seeing early on this year. (April / May?)

The question is; How badly damaged does an aircraft have to be before it is rendered permanently unairworthy? Exhibit B looks like a write off to my untrained eye.

12th Dec 2004, 11:12
Exhibit B looks like a write off to my untrained eye. Therein lies your answer!:ok:

12th Dec 2004, 11:20
I hope that I am correct in thinking that photo B was taken *before* photo A.
Am I mistaken? Has the a/c in question indeed been scrapped?

12th Dec 2004, 13:05
The answer is financial - not technical:)

If the cost of the repair plus 10% exceeds the cost of a replacement aircraft then it is usually written off by the insurance companies.

However it may be that the aircraft remains are sold off by the insurance companies but may re-appear in the skies at a later date;)

Mr @ Spotty M
12th Dec 2004, 17:30
You will find aircraft was not a write off.
Aircraft was damaged in Feb 2004 and the picture of the aircraft in flight, was taken on September 21st 2004.

12th Dec 2004, 18:31
Thanks, that's what intruged me.
I wonder how they pulled that one off then? A whole fuselage section must have been replaced.

12th Dec 2004, 20:30
The Crash-Crew from Boeing stabilized Body and Tail-Section separately.
Then they replaced all Stringers, Frame and the Skin in the affected area.


13th Dec 2004, 08:31
That is quite incredible! Isn't the 747 a modular design? I was assuming that they would replace a whole length of fuselage between two transport joints.