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View Full Version : Bristol Notes

Hopeful Pilot
11th Dec 2004, 04:37
I'm not studying through Bristol though by ready through a lot of reviews on pprune is appears the notes are first-rate. Does Bristol sell its notes or cdrom separately, like Oxford, or are they only available to those enrolled in their course? Does the cdrom cover all the notes they produce in their textbooks and is it worthwhile?

Any views would help.

Good luck with the studies!

11th Dec 2004, 05:48
I think you can just buy the notes (they are good). The CDROM does cover everything they sell 'on paper' and also has a few films/ applications in addition that will help. If you send them an email, they will tell you all...

Sky Wave
11th Dec 2004, 10:12

They sell the course in bits. All details are on thier website "there's a banner at the bottom of the page"

Manuals - Each Subject £85.00
Each Two Week Crammer £475.00
Computer Program £350.00

Not that it's an economical way to do it, since the entire course costs £1900. For an extra £360 you could attend both brush ups.