View Full Version : RVSM & MNPS Airspace

Flight Detent
1st Dec 2004, 01:18
We have had RVSM regulated airspace here in Oz for some time now, between FL290 and FL410, does it apply to the entire airspace or on specific routes?

I'm not sure about MNPS, do we have this in Oz, and are the RNP-10 and RNP-5 and RNP-4 airspace restrictions the same thing?

Also, I think these two navigation restrictions can apply in the same airspace?

Anybody with any relavent response!


Feather #3
1st Dec 2004, 02:28
RVSM is Oz-wide at the flightlevels you nominate.

MNPS can apply anywhere at a specified level of RNP. Regional/national agreements dictate the level and an indication of abilty to comply is nominated in the appropriate Flt Notification field.

So, yes, they can apply in the same airspace as they cover very different requirements; one navigation & the other altimetry.

G'day ;)