View Full Version : Going North 05

25th Oct 2004, 01:00
This is another post on going north with a shiny new CPL.
yes i have used the search feature and read the advise posted so far.

My question goes to any of the guys who have done the GA trek north.

My dilemma is when to go, I understand that may people have said go north ASAP and get a job at the pub or where-ever and wait. Other bush pilots I have spoken to said im crazy to make the trek in Jan/Feb as the wx, is crap and operators don’t hire till at least March.

Also I am concerned at my hours, (180-200hrs) many people say I have low chance of getting work as minima for most operators is 250hrs. I am a fair bit older and currently working full time and saving every $ so I can’t really afford time off to hunt for meat bombing work.

Option 1: Stay till April save more cash, do my IREX and have 220+ hours

Option 2: Go in January, low hours, beg for work and slowly starve to death.


25th Oct 2004, 07:22
Option 1 I think.

If you go now then in April the "option 1 people" will arrive in April whith a little more time. The CIR probably will not help you get a job initially but at some point the ol "you're the only one with a CIR off you go" opportunity will come up.

Use the time now to do a little research on each company. CP's name etc and have a list of people to contact from day one when you arrive in the area. As has been posted before, the Yelow pages on line are a great start



Mr Garrison
26th Oct 2004, 08:34
I'd go for option 1 myself, but it all depends on who you talk to and throw in a bit of luck as well.

I think your age is an advantage ;)

Mr G


Howard Hughes
26th Oct 2004, 09:17
Go now I say, you wanna be there before "dragon fly season"!!

Cheers, HH.


Northern Chique
26th Oct 2004, 14:06
Get in and drive before the rain hits!

The operators I worked for prefered the 25+ age group for various reasons although there were a few under that average age... work in the towns is pretty easy to come by.. its all a matter of defining what you "wont do"... my advice is give it a shot! There are plenty of success stories and folks who have gone on to bigger better things after making the early trek up here. I almost didnt make it due to extensive flooding in Katherine the first year but waited and persisted and thus ended up with flying work...

Frustration and patience are generally the order of the day... but most importantly have fun.

Howard Hughes
26th Oct 2004, 21:23
Listen to what Chique says,

I too arrived in Darwin on the better side of 30, I found operators were more than willing to give me a go with minimal experience.

You really do need to beat the post wet season rush.

Cheers, HH.


PS: Do I know you Chique? I too was up north about the time of the big floods.

Mr. Hat
28th Oct 2004, 05:36
Option1. Stop putting it off.

Option2. Stop putting it off.

Option3. Stop putting it off.

Ohh the wx, the cp's, the hours. Pack you farking car and go. GO!

Don't get focused on one operator or area. Have your cv in everywhere. Have your finger in the pie everywhere.

28th Oct 2004, 06:48
Question - Are you serious about getting work?

If answer is unqualified YES, then do like HAT, CHIQUE, HOWARD and everyone else who has read this and not bothered stating the bleeding obvious - get in yer ferking car and go. Only thing you are guaranteed in this life is that it will end, so everything else is what you make it. You might do well, or you might not.

Capt Claret
28th Oct 2004, 07:44

Most of us started with 150-200 hours. Those still here are those who were lucky and jagged a job (Johnny/Jill on the spot) early, and, those who who didn't jag the early job but wouldn't stop looking.

My CPL was gained in '84 @ almost 27, married, two children. First job '86. Apart from the mandatory retrenchments, full time flying employment since.

Good luck! :ok:

29th Oct 2004, 00:40
Get here before the wet as NC says.
Plenty of casual jobs the locals wouldnt work in an iron lung.
Get a good crack at somewhere to stay as well with all the blowflies heading south.
Yall never ever know if ya never ever go.

29th Oct 2004, 03:29
QF are just about to start another course or two, the regionals are constantly hiring, not to mention guys n gals going os.

This would suggest there must be jobs going lower down the aviation chain now. Not in April, but now. I know many pilots who got their starts at "the wrong time of the year". Sure there might only be 1 job going, but you're only gonna be competing against a handful of others. Wait til April and there might be 5 jobs and 100 applicants.

I think a problem with a lot of people is that they look on the "move north" a bit like doing prison time. Sure its a big move in more ways than one, but you'll have an awesome time up there!

Here's a list of things I would recommend taking, I'm sure others would have more:

A swag (number 1!)

Lots of cds/ tapes for the car trip

Lots of snacks for same

Lots of water

Some realistic work shoes/ boots (go the blundstones!)

A realistic nav/ lunchbag (eg a backpack not a big leather hardcase thing)

A playstation or xbox

Sunglasses that you can wear for 8 hours under a headset and not get a headache from (I would steer clear of the classic "aviators" also)


Bug repellent

Hair clippers

A Leatherman or similar

A pushbike if you can fit it in

Any renewal/ flying books or notes you might want to refer to

A valid DG awareness certificate

Non-aviation related work clothes if you want/ need to do some labouring/ barwork/ fruitpicking to pay the bills til your gig comes up.

Stubby coolers (can never have too many)

Take a camera and use it a lot! I didnt and I regret it to this day.

Along with a sense of humour and you'll have everything you need! :ok:

30th Oct 2004, 02:12
Bugga me ya missed a doozy of an electrical storm last night I havent seen a better one in years.
Sat on me balcony with a cold stubby of XXXX the cold rain blowin in me face ....bloody magic!


2nd Nov 2004, 07:18
:O I must agree with the rest...take the deep breath, make sure that you can land a C182 with some X/w and bite the bullet 'mate'.......as a previous poster mentioned, there is only one certainty (apart from the sea breeze and the TS).

PS I've a spare swag at the bottom of the shed but you'll have to find a roof.


4th Nov 2004, 09:46

I am in the same boat as well and I did my 'Grand Aussie Tour' a few months ago, went through the center, north then west. Although I haven't land myself a flying job yet, the experience is positive. You get to meet lot of fellow pilot from different background and they mostly willing to share experience and point you to the right direction/people. Head north now and meet the people, they will remember you when the season start again.

Be prepare to fly anything which have wing on and stay in the middle of nowhere. I highly recommand a 4WD if you can afford it.



7th Nov 2004, 08:23
If you want to do yourself a really huge favour, get some 210 time. You might think a CIR is a benefit (which it undoubtedly is) but get the 210 time first (even do some of your CIR training in one) and the doors will be even more widely opened. Good luck, and by the way that isn't a Gibraltar-inspired nomme de plume by any chance?

Howard Hughes
7th Nov 2004, 22:32
Go now!!

The clock's ticking...

Cheers, HH.


8th Nov 2004, 03:17
Thanks all for the advise and kind words, I will try and get 10 hours in the 210 before i go north.

To all those heading north in 05 i will be seeing you soon !

To all those who are not, cya, wouldnt wanna be ya !


Mr Garrison
8th Nov 2004, 07:08
Right on brother!!...........see you there.


"Bank Angle" :=

Northern Chique
9th Nov 2004, 10:20
nothin' like a tropical electrial show tinpis! and some one said bring the camera north! how absolutely right you are!

theres only one thing beats a tropical light show tinpis, thats a desert dry storm that starts a fire right next to the accomodation quarters and everyone else is out trying to put the fire around the fuel tanks and sacred trees out 5km away!!!!

Had a 25km fire front at one stage and that was a light show in itself. It could be seen 10km away across flat country with more fires being sparked every frequent ground strike. Just as well a rain storm came and settled most of it before it hit the magazines!

Now that would have been a light show :\

Yeah, back on topic.... Its starting to rain guys!

Paul Alfred
10th Nov 2004, 09:20
Aerlik is on the money. 210, 206, LANCE - high performance singles will you get you a bit further down the resume line.

I have been in touch with a lot of northern operators lately and there is definately plenty of movement now and into 05.

CIR is important when the locals are burning off and you happen to find yourself surrounded by smoke.

Might see you up there mate.


11th Nov 2004, 05:59
206 - high performance single!

Trust me, when you're coming into DN on friday arvo doing 90 somethng knots, she ain't feeling like high performance.

I would relate it closer to a clapped out HQ ute with wings


7th Feb 2005, 02:18
I made the rather controversial decision to finish more study and wait till april before i left. The decision was not entirely made by me ie (family commitments).

So some of my friends headed up in Jan and say that its already too late for Broome or KX as pilots are now freely falling from the trees.

As i am moving up there more of a lifestyle change that a rush to get into an airline, I am not in a hurry to get a job asap but getting a start sometime before december this year, would be nice, what are my chances of getting employed if i arrive late and just hang out ?. Or should i wait..... and save my cash ?

comments ?


Mr Garrison
8th Feb 2005, 02:03
Maybe this article will give you more of an insight into your situation.

Click Here (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=158703)

Mr G.


9th Feb 2005, 08:18
To quote a line from Good Morning Vietnam.... the weather today is HOT...Damn HOT..... HOT and WET... which is ok if you with a lady but not so good in the JUNGLE.. I spent 40 years in Cairns and happy to now be in the deep south.... good luck with your adventures (and you WILL have them!)