View Full Version : Wx Radar

21st Oct 2004, 18:19
Hi guys, does anyone out there have a quick well explained methood of working out cloud height etc using the weather radar... I am busy studying and my text book has diagrams yet no set methood of explanation. I can understand the the process and the answer but would like it in words!! Thanks cargodoor

21st Oct 2004, 19:35
1. The angle of cloud top is equal to the tilt angle minus half the beam width.
eg tilt angle = +6deg & beamwidth = 5deg
Therefore cloud top angle is 6 - 2.5=3.5deg

2. Relative cloud height in feet above or below the a/c horizontal = 100 x range (NM) x angle of cloud top

So if the cloud top angle is 6 - 2.5=3.5deg and range is 25NM
100 x 25 x 3.5 = 8750 feet above the a/c alt.

Hope this helps
ATPL Ground Instructor BCFT :ok:

21st Oct 2004, 19:38
Lionco, thanks for taking the time to do that!! Great help