View Full Version : Cheer up you b*ggers !!

18th Oct 2004, 19:47
Bloody hell, this place can prove to be a depressing read sometimes.

Just to shed a little light amongst the wannabe populous ; I know 4 guys in the last 2-3 months who have found good RHS jobs.

1 x BA Citi-express

1x turbo job in SE Asia

1 x Exec jet (BBJ or something ?)

1 x 747 for Icelandic freight company

So cheer up, it's not all bad (although tragically 1 of those 4 is not me).


18th Oct 2004, 20:18
So cheer up, it's not all bad (although tragically 1 of those 4 is not me).

That's because you are still flying a desk, your time will come, once you have those professional licences issued! ;) Unless your profile has not been updated?

18th Oct 2004, 21:15
The FTO I work at is flat out and the majority of our customers are getting jobs - some with airlines and some with FTOs as PPL instructors (others trading up to the airlines).