View Full Version : Tips for job interview?!

15th Oct 2004, 05:11
Howdy all -
Just wondering if anyone could give me some tips for an instructing job interview @ an airline training college?
Are there any standard questions that may be asked that can be studied prior to being interviewed?
Does anyone have any interview stories they might want to share?


15th Oct 2004, 16:58
c h e c k p r i v a t e m e s s a g e s

15th Oct 2004, 17:42
Gosh downwind...there are so many websites dedicated to this very subject...and not just aviation.

Think in terms as if you were the interviewer.......the kind of simple things will be..."why do you want to work for us?"...your strenghts and weaknesses....where do you see yourself in 3-5yrs?...your flying history etc........I hope you get the idea.
Go in confident that you know what you are all about....make positive eye contact..and dont be afraid to ask for clarification of a question.
One other big thing is know all you can about the college...not so youre impressing them with bull poo...but more so you can engage in informed conversation about the place.

Good luck!