View Full Version : $50,000 Spouse work visa

21st Aug 2004, 06:51
With regard to the changes in spouses work visa as of June 1 2003, (ie you can't work unless sponsored). Can anyone confirm that it costs companies around $50,000 to get you a visa and thus many spouses who arrived after June 1 2003 aren't able to get work unless they come up with the $50,000 themselves?

Left Wing
21st Aug 2004, 08:41
50,000 $ is BULL S@#*


22nd Aug 2004, 05:31
Thanks for that. I suppose it comes down to what employer wants to go to the additional hassle of filling out the paperwork and waiting the 1-3 months as opposed to starting someone immediately without dealing with immigration.

Either way a HKG dependant visa holder after 1 June 2003 was screwed.

23rd Aug 2004, 07:49
You might want to go have a chat with the local friendly ICAC officers... This sounds the sort of thing they take a dim view of (bribery/ paying in return for a job)

23rd Aug 2004, 12:51
If they are not too busy raiding someones office, that is.:}