View Full Version : Clocking in machines!

20th Mar 2002, 23:10
The big blue machine is at it again and this time their new toy is clocking in machines.. .. .Is no-one else suspicious? Is it just me?. .. .If any-one else has any thoughts on the subject then let's hear them.

A and C
22nd Mar 2002, 23:23
Would this be cabair ?

23rd Mar 2002, 17:32
You will probably find that this has been instigated by the National Minimum Wage people in some form or other. We had hassle last year at Tayside when somebody alleged that as instructors we were being paid less than the NMW (which was bollocks - Tayside were quite good dosh-wise). Because there was no system for recording duty time, as opposed to flying time, they insisted some record was kept of clocking on/off times, which is probably what you are seeing now. Not your employer's idea; something that has been imposed on them by the suits.. . . . <small>[ 23 March 2002, 13:34: Message edited by: DB6 ]</small>

23rd Mar 2002, 22:56
DB6 is probably correct. . .Some form of time recording is required for all workers under the National Minimum Wage rules, unless the workers are all on a fixed 9 to 5 sort of job.. .What sort of time recording do other flying schools use?

27th Mar 2002, 20:24
At the big blue machine, if the weather is bad you still have to stay until 5 or 6pm, even after getting in at 8am. So if you don't fly in theory you're sitting there for nothing! Could be doing something less boring instead!!

28th Mar 2002, 01:06
Am I right in thinking that they don't want you to clock in, on your 5th day. Cabair have a lovely instructors contract which I, and anyone with any sense wouldn't stand for. Contracted to work 4 days you are expected to be in and working on a fifth day, even if its raining and it means you are sitting doing nothing from 8:30am to 4pm. All for no pay of course.

28th Mar 2002, 17:26
Yes it is true they do want the instructors in on the 5th day. It all started after a certain person cut the wages and put the instructors on a 4 day week, so the instructors could get a job, doing something else on their days off. Then in the big blue machines wisdom they forced the instructors back on 5 day weeks for 4 days money. So in theory yes they do work the 5th day for nothing.

1st Apr 2002, 06:53
13579, I Take exception to your statement, "anyone with any sense". It's true that I get paid for four days and work five but the fifth day helps me earn more. Besides, I probably get paid more than you do working only 4 days!!!!!

2nd Apr 2002, 13:34
I'm glad to be out! I'll never work for them again!

Freddy Forks
2nd Apr 2002, 14:24
I can sympathise with any instructors who have the misfortune of working for sCabair. They use and abuse knowing full well that if you wont work for them others will. Been there and done it and I gave them as much crap back as they gave me.

4th Apr 2002, 18:50
Sorry CatIIIC, I think you sound a bit naive. How often have you got near bonus this winter. Earn more money, a Cabair instructor couldn't earn more than a shoe shine boy, even working 7 days.

5th Apr 2002, 15:23
Kougar. I'm sorry, you were right!! I didn't make bonus once this winter but hang on, how many hours did all you other instructors do? You would have had to have done a fair few at £10 per hour(thats the going rate elsewhere is it not?) to make what I made. AND for most of the time I wasn't busting a gut working too hard.

Besides, This isn't supposed to be a row over who gets paid the most, ALL instructors get s****y pay. My mate works for british gas in the call center and gets 1.5X what i get but it's me who's got the big debt!!