View Full Version : 737 Cbt

23rd Jul 2004, 12:44
Can anyone sell me a copy of a 737 300/400/500 CBT program, say something similar to the Continental program.



Bail out
23rd Jul 2004, 14:46
Hey R

You must be really board chilling out up north....

Plenty of sun, sea and woman on the beach today.

The surf is great.

I’ll try and sort us a copy before going back, a friend has one
for the classic.

“ what did you call my mum? “

cheers B

23rd Jul 2004, 15:00
Hi B

Didn’t realise you could get your hands on a copy.

Off surfing again, gees you must be the only surfer I know who wears arm bands.


Bail out
23rd Jul 2004, 17:21
I’ve emailed a mate about the above.

I thought the arm bands are cute, especially with my swim suit…..

Anyway the surf dropped off, managed to get a session in the local pool swimming I saw that attractive girl you were dribbling over last time we went out she sends her love… ;)