View Full Version : PPL Night Instructing

Captain Chaos 747
19th Oct 2001, 22:26
I have heard from a few schools that it is possible to teach some of the PPL syllabus at night, providing it does not go towards a night rating and the instructor has a nigtht rating himself any ideas? I'ts the first I have heard.

that was ok! just need to flare a little more because we would like to use the aircraft again.

20th Oct 2001, 00:18
The night qualification training of 5 hours may be included in the 45 hours required for grant of the PPL, yes (to be pedantic there no longer exists a night rating). The instructor must be qualified to teach at night, and the training does go towards your night qualification AND PPL; one of the few benefits of JAR.

20th Oct 2001, 06:45
A general philosophy behind many countries' requirements for logging training hours is that you cannot log the same hour in the air towards two qualifications.

For example, it the syllabus says "must do 30 hrs x-country for a CPL", and elsewhere "must do 5 hrs x-country by night for a CPL night rating", you can't do 25 hrs by day and 5 hrs by night and claim a CPL with night privileges. In my example you probably could claim a CPL (provided all of the 25+5 hrs met all relevant law, including appropriately rated instructor), but you'd have to do another 5 hrs by night to get night privileges.

There are exceptions of course, but they are usually specifically mentioned in the law books.

hope this helps to fill in the background to your question.