View Full Version : Mission Aviation

Andrew JTP
17th Jun 2004, 11:49

Firstly, great website, thanks to those who set it up and run it.

I am very new to this so please excuse me if I ask questions which have already been discussed. I have looked around and found a lot of very useful information already. I am not a pilot yet but am considering training in South Africa (my home country although I currently live in England) and my goal is to work for a Missionary Aviation organisation once I have the relevant qualifications and hours.

The main thing I am interested in is how much work there is out there flying smaller planes if my intention is not to become an airline pilot. I will opbviously need to build up a lot of hours before I can apply to a Missionary Aviation organisation and if I am not accepted it would be comforting to know there is still work out there.

Also if there is anyone out there who has flown with a Missionary Aviation organisation i would be interested to hear your views on starting training now at the age of 30 with the intention of doing that type of work.

Thank you.

18th Jun 2004, 01:34
We have a program with Providence College to train missions pilots. http://prov.ca/college/ccapps-aviation.asp
Missions aviation is more of a calling then a job.

Andrew JTP
18th Jun 2004, 08:32

Thank you for that link. I have looked into studying at a college in the USA or Canada, but I don't think it is my best option for several reasons (cost, length of training and others).

I understand that mission aviation is more a calling rather than just a job. I feel that God may be calling me in that direction and that is why I am persuing it, asking that God will 'close the doors' if this is not the right thing.

I am interested to know if there is much work flying small planes, which I will need to build hours after my CPL.

Dick Whittingham
18th Jun 2004, 09:05

Do a search on this site for MAF or Mision Aviation Fellowship. This was raised some while back. Off the top of my head I think they will call for 500hr pic and sponsorship by a church group.

Dick W