View Full Version : Aircraft Stability

6th May 2004, 16:50
Can someone define stick fixed and stick free aircraft stability for me, I know I have the answer is in my notes somewhere but I just can't find it.



7th May 2004, 00:05
Stick fixed Static Longitudinal Stability: Response of an aircraft to a disturbance in pitch if the flying controls are held in a set position. So if there's a gust then the plane will settle back to it's trimmed position.

Stick free STATIC longitudinal Stability:

Hands off the stick and if there's a gust then the plane will eventually come back to it's original position without any input to the stick by the pilot. This DOES NOT APPLY T to powered operating flying controls because those are not free to float. In that case there's no difference between Stick fixed and Stick free.

IF this doesn't make any sense then I'm sorry.
