View Full Version : FAA to JAA 737 conversion

26th Feb 2004, 21:37
Hello all,

I really need your advice on this.
I am planning to convert my FAA ATPL to JAA ATPL(I'm still on the theory phase....14 exams :{ :\ ) and at a certain point I would like to do the Sim checkride on a 737-3.
My question is , if you have several hours on type but not current
would you be required to do and pay for the base flight (+ £6000)
I already asked for this info but no one seems to have any answers.
Is there anyone who's done the same?
Where you required to do base flight???
How much???

Thanks for the help chaps!

Any coments will be much appreciated.

Happy landings to all of you !

27th Feb 2004, 21:33

WAZZZ UP?Got a sun tan?

Knowing your qualifications and experience you will certainly have to do the 6 t/o and Landings ON TYPE as you need to so to be able to carry pax.
Im sure youll do it with one finger in your A** and the other up the nose but youll have to do it..
I of course stand to be corrected but the best way to find out is take the bus to the CAA and ask..:E

Hope to see you both very soon..
Get your stuff done and ill do all to get you in here..


Gin/Tonic//Veuve Cliquot M.85