View Full Version : Qatar Airways Interview Tips

15th Jan 2004, 02:03

16th Jan 2004, 00:06
i was a cabin crew with QR.

i assume you've received an invitation to the interview. well, the interview started like this:
1)registration and you'll be given a sticker with your name to stick on.
2)the interviewers will introduce themselves. start of video about Doha and QR.
3)group discussion. during my time, it was to plan the itinerary for a family. someone in your group will present it to the rest afterwards. this is also an elimination round. intervieweers will be walking around and making observations on everyone.
4)break for about 1/2 hour.
5)get back to the hall, and they will call out some names and asked to leave the hall. (these are the successful ones)
6)you'll be given some papers to fill up -particulars. and also some questions (something about what you know about QR, and your opinion on the job...etc) you'll need to stick your passport picture on the form. so do come prepared with some stationaries such as glue, stapler,pens.
7)after about 2 hours, you'll be called in for a one-to-one interview. questions are varied. such as what's the one thing that you dislike in a friend? / what would you do if you find that particular attitude in your friend? etc.
8) you'll be informed the length of time before you hear from them again. that's the end of the interview day.

i think i heard from them about 2 weeks later.

most important thing to keep in mind during the interview, is to be a good listener and do try your best to be a team PLAYER and not a leader/bossy. and remember, from the time you register till the end, do believe that you are being observed! i remember when i was watching the video, i caught one of the interviewers looking at me - i just smiled back.

well, just treat that day as one of your happiest days! after all, it could very well be for it may win you that job!

mix around during break time and be genuine when making new friends.

good luck to you!

16th Jan 2004, 12:48
916gold is spot on...

i went to syd interviews a while ago, there were about 60 of us and they reduced the group to about 12 i think.

i made it thru the whole day and had a one on one interview. the questions were based on situations and what u would do in them.

interviewers were really nice and it was quiet relaxed...thing to remember is just be yaself...thats what i think got me thru the day


17th Jan 2004, 22:58

Have you been back for further interviews, or are you making reference to the first one that you went on?

Hows biz, by the way?


18th Jan 2004, 06:16
I agree with 916gold.

Interview is very relaxed and the interviewers make you feel at home once you get there! Try to look very interested and that you really want to be there, nobody is forcing you!

Ask questions about the culture, how much the airline has grown since 1994 and its future visions.

20th Jan 2004, 10:12
a300man check ur pm

biz is good

22nd Jan 2004, 21:58
Regardless of who is successful with Q.R at the end of the day the CEO will make a choice of selected candidates by looking at their photographs - if your face fits he'll accept you.

Don't be fooled my Mr.Bob Gates in the interview as he'll tell you you get things like luxury accommodation. excellent working conditions etc when they are completely the opposite.

The Girls live in either nice or crappy accommodation in Doha: Gulf cinema and the Gulf Times (these are areas where some of the girls have their accommodation) are old and really depressing places to live.

There are very few western/British crew in QR and Hindi speakers are favoured not only by Al-Baker but welfare,staff travel etc etc because approx 85% of the airline are Indian (and before anyone replys and says that I am racist then think again because I have many Indian friends!)

If I was you I would go for Emirates or Etihad - you'll be happy with them and be treated properly - nobody is happy with QR and the vast amounts of F/deck and cabin crew who are leaving right now really says something about the state the airline really is in.

Good luck with your new career

blue cheese
25th Jan 2004, 22:48

are you with qr alreaedy or any other airline?